Is there an additional charge for support?

No. Support is a standard part of all packages and we do not expect any customer to have to pay extra to get high-quality support.

We do our best to answer all reasonable requests assoicated with your hosting account with us. We can, at our discression, help you with extra problems, such has tips and problems with your PHP/Perl/Python programs or advice on software. However these are not part of the service and we do not guarantee that we will be able to answer them.

For details on how to contact our Support Team, click here.

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مقالات مربوطه

Do you keep support in-house or is it outsourced?

As set out in our Terms & Conditions, we endeavor to provide you with all support in-house...

How fast are your response times?

We don't offer 24/7 support at the moment, however, we do our best to make sure that we answer...

Is there an additional charge for support?

No. Support is a standard part of all packages and we do not expect any customer to have to pay...

Do you keep support in-house or is it outsourced?

As set out in our Terms & Conditions, we endeavor to provide you with all support in-house...

How fast are your response times?

We don't offer 24/7 support at the moment, however, we do our best to make sure that we answer...