Absolutely not. The price you see on the page is the price you pay. Extra charges, such as excess bandwidth are clearly shown on the package details page and there are no setup costs when you sign up with us.
Leaving Charges
Also, unlike some other companies, we don't impose any charges when you leave. If you are unhappy with our service, you are free (literally) to leave at any time. You can just unlock your domain from our Control Panel (provided it's outside it's initial 60-day window), transfer it out, and just let us know you want to close your account and we'll do it!
All hosting plans come with a 28-day money-back guarantee when you sign up - if you're unhappy with our service, you're free to leave.
We believe in an honest service; we want our customers to stay because they're happy to, not because they have no other choice.
For more information on some of the points here, please see the following articles: